Adverse Drug Reaction Classification System

Pharmaceutical Information
Drug Name Celecoxib
Drug ID BADD_D00410
Description Celecoxib, a selective cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) inhibitor, is a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) which is known for its decreased risk of causing gastrointestinal bleeding compared to other NSAIDS.[A181544] It is used to manage symptoms of various types of arthritis pain and in familial adenomatous polyposis (FAP) to reduce precancerous polyps in the colon.[A181532] It is marketed by Pfizer under the brand name Celebrex, and was initially granted FDA approval in 1998.[L7604] Interestingly, selective COX-2 inhibitors (especially celecoxib), have been evaluated as potential cancer chemopreventive and therapeutic drugs in clinical trials for a variety of malignancies.[A34124]
Indications and Usage Celecoxib is indicated for symptomatic treatment of adult osteoarthritis (OA) and adult rheumatoid arthritis (RA).[L7646] Celecoxib is not a substitute for aspirin for cardiovascular event prophylaxis.[L7646] It may be also be used to treat acute pain from various sources, juvenile rheumatoid arthritis in children over 2, ankylosing spondylitis, and primary dysmenorrhea.[L7646] Celecoxib, in combination with [tramadol], is indicated for the management of acute pain in adults severe enough to require an opioid analgesic and in whom alternative treatments are inadequate.[L38949]
Marketing Status approved; investigational
ATC Code L01XX33; M01AH01
DrugBank ID DB00482
KEGG ID D00567
MeSH ID D000068579
PubChem ID 2662
NDC Product Code 77771-159; 80425-0167; 80425-0281; 0591-3985; 51552-1461; 53104-7533; 66651-919; 13668-310; 33342-156; 33342-157; 42571-145; 57582-212; 0025-1520; 61919-682; 62135-023; 63187-562; 65862-910; 68071-2626; 70518-3424; 0591-3982; 71335-2019; 71610-283; 75834-239; 76420-009; 76420-243; 80425-0038; 51927-5063; 54245-3392; 57582-032; 62512-0018; 65862-793; 16714-733; 42806-721; 43063-967; 46708-267; 50436-3984; 57582-211; 59762-1517; 67296-1847; 68071-4642; 69367-302; 70247-006; 71205-027; 71205-664; 0591-3983; 75834-237; 81288-021; 81288-023; 0591-3984; 55111-898; 65427-002; 65977-0052; 77777-115; 42571-143; 50090-4789; 50090-5178; 50228-159; 57582-214; 0025-1525; 68180-398; 70518-3204; 70518-3733; 71335-0292; 71335-1066; 72189-360; 72241-023; 55154-7646; 60687-447; 62135-021; 62135-022; 63187-301; 68071-2776; 68180-395; 68788-8197; 69117-0023; 70247-009; 71209-056; 75834-238; 77771-156; 80425-0040; 16714-732; 43063-825; 45865-970; 46708-269; 46708-270; 50268-168; 53002-2338; 59762-1516; 60505-3847; 60505-3849; 61919-360; 62332-141; 63187-079; 63629-3021; 63629-8156; 68071-2733; 69367-301; 70518-3292; 72789-259; 75834-236; 80425-0323; 81288-022; 47621-024; 65691-0048; 68724-1004; 0093-7166; 0093-7170; 50090-5638; 50436-3982; 51990-033; 60687-436; 60760-742; 61919-837; 62332-143; 63187-643; 65162-817; 65162-819; 68788-8206; 69097-422; 69097-423; 70518-1346; 71205-055; 71335-1804; 0615-8338; 72241-022; 72567-001; 80425-0096; 13668-441; 0093-7165; 33342-155; 42806-720; 45865-943; 50268-169; 62332-140; 65162-820; 65862-907; 67296-1600; 69117-0021; 70518-2748; 70934-469; 71209-054; 71335-0936; 80425-0142; 80425-0209; 64552-4032; 13668-442; 16714-731; 16714-734; 29300-157; 29300-374; 42571-144; 50228-158; 50436-3983; 51655-059; 51990-034; 55154-7645; 55700-613; 0025-1515; 59762-1515; 59762-1518; 60505-3848; 60760-649; 60760-823; 65162-818; 65862-908; 67296-1345; 71209-055; 72241-024; 72241-025; 77771-157; 0904-6502; 58159-067; 68981-025; 29300-158; 43063-669; 46708-268; 51655-437; 57582-213; 59385-055; 0025-1530; 60760-824; 62332-142; 65862-909; 67296-1608; 68180-399; 68788-7286; 69097-420; 69097-421; 69117-0020; 70247-007; 70247-008; 70934-978; 71209-057; 71335-0868; 80425-0037; 80425-0039; 80425-0321; 49706-1880; 62704-0046; 65015-882; 72761-022; 13668-307; 0093-7306; 29300-373; 42571-142; 42806-723; 43353-257; 50090-6380; 50228-156; 50228-157; 63187-633; 68180-396; 68788-7264; 69117-0022; 70518-2922; 71205-020; 71205-439; 71610-584; 72189-123; 77771-158; 81288-020; 0904-6503; 43744-071; 52048-1995; 33342-158; 42806-722; 51655-060; 51655-436; 51990-035; 53002-1338; 55700-607
Synonyms Celecoxib | 4-(5-(4-methylphenyl)-3-(trifluoromethyl)-1H-pyrazol-1-yl)benzenesulfonamide | Celebrex | SC 58635 | SC-58635 | SC58635
Chemical Information
Molecular Formula C17H14F3N3O2S
CAS Registry Number 169590-42-5
Chemical Structure
ADRs Induced by Drug
*The priority for ADR severity classification is based on FAERS assessment, followed by the most severe level in CTCAE rating. If neither is available, it will be displayed as 'Not available'.
**The 'Not Available' level is hidden by default and can be restored by clicking on the legend twice..
ADR Term ADReCS ID ADR Frequency (FAERS) ADR Severity Grade (FAERS) ADR Severity Grade (CTCAE)
Abdominal discomfort07.01.06.0010.004745%Not Available
Abdominal distension07.01.04.0010.000587%
Abdominal pain07.01.05.002--
Abdominal pain upper07.01.05.0030.002149%
Activated partial thromboplastin time prolonged13.01.02.001--
Acute myocardial infarction02.02.02.001; Available
Adenoma benign16.02.02.001--Not Available
Ageusia17.02.07.001; Available
Agranulocytosis01.02.03.001--Not Available
Alanine aminotransferase increased13.03.04.005--
Albuminuria20.02.01.001--Not Available
Anal fissure07.03.01.002--
Anaphylactic reaction24.06.03.006;
Anaphylactic shock24.06.02.004; Available
Anaphylactoid reaction24.06.03.007; Available
Angina pectoris24.04.04.002;
Angina unstable24.04.04.004; Available
Angioedema22.04.02.008;; Available
Ankylosing spondylitis15.01.09.001; Available
Aortic valve incompetence02.07.03.001--Not Available
Aphthous ulcer07.05.06.002--Not Available
Aplastic anaemia01.03.03.002--Not Available
Arrhythmia02.03.02.0010.000448%Not Available
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