Adverse Drug Reaction Classification System

ADR Ontology
ADR Term Scintillating scotoma
ADR Hierarchy
06      Eye disorders
06.02      Vision disorders
06.02.06      Visual disorders NEC      Scintillating scotoma
17      Nervous system disorders
17.17      Neurological disorders of the eye
17.17.02      Ocular signs and symptoms NEC      Scintillating scotoma
Description A localized defect in the visual field bordered by an area of normal vision. This occurs with a variety of EYE DISEASES (e.g., RETINAL DISEASES and GLAUCOMA); OPTIC NERVE DISEASES, and other conditions. | A localized defect in the visual field bordered by an area of normal vision. This occurs with a variety of EYE DISEASES (e.g., RETINAL DISEASES and GLAUCOMA), OPTIC NERVE DISEASES, and other conditions. [MeSH]
MedDRA Code 10039677
MeSH ID D012607
ADR Severity Grade (FAERS)
ADR Severity Grade (CTCAE) Not Available
Fortification spectra | Scintillating scotoma | Scotoma scintillating | Teichopsia | Scotoma | Scotomas | Scotoma, Arcuate | Arcuate Scotoma | Arcuate Scotomas | Scotomas, Arcuate | Scotoma, Bjerrum | Bjerrum Scotoma | Bjerrum Scotomas | Scotomas, Bjerrum | Scotoma, Central | Central Scotoma | Central Scotomas | Scotomas, Central | Scotoma, Sector | Scotomas, Sector | Sector Scotoma | Sector Scotomas | Scotoma, Paracecal | Paracecal Scotoma | Paracecal Scotomas | Scotomas, Paracecal | Scotoma, Paracentral | Paracentral Scotoma | Paracentral Scotomas | Scotomas, Paracentral | Scotoma, Peripheral | Peripheral Scotoma | Peripheral Scotomas | Scotomas, Peripheral | Scotoma, Ring | Ring Scotoma | Ring Scotomas | Scotomas, Ring | Scotoma, Scintillating | Scintillating Scotoma | Scintillating Scotomas | Scotomas, Scintillating | Scotoma, Altitudinal | Altitudinal Scotoma | Altitudinal Scotomas | Scotomas, Altitudinal | Scotoma, Centrocecal | Centrocecal Scotoma | Centrocecal Scotomas | Scotomas, Centrocecal
ADR Related Proteins
Protein Name UniProt AC TTD Target ID
Not AvailableNot AvailableNot Available
Drugs Leading to the ADR
Drug IDDrug NameADR Frequency (FAERS)ADR Severity Grade (FAERS)
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