Adverse Drug Reaction Classification System

ADReCS is subject to periodic updates. Therefore, do visit back on this database to get the latest information whenever needed.


UPDATE! ADReCS has updated to version 3.3 (ADReCS v3.3). The MedDRA version in ADReCS has been updated to 26.1. Based on our previously published ADR quantification methods, the severity and frequency of ADRs quantified from FAERS have also been updated in ADReCS, with improved user-friendly visualizations. Additionally, we have incorporated Drug-ADR pairs mined from the Canada Vigilance Adverse Reaction Online Database for the first time.


UPDATE! ADReCS has updated to version 3.2 (ADReCS v3.2). The ADR severity and frequency data based on FAERS have been updated, and the dataset of quantitative features can now be downloaded from the DOWNLOAD page.


UPDATE! ADReCS has updated to version 3.1 (ADReCS v3.1). ADReCS has updated drug ID matching information with PubChem, DrugBank, KEGG, and MeSH.


UPDATE! The ADR frequency and severity based on FAERS have been integrated into ADReCS.


UPDATE! Check and optimize the data in ADReCS.


UPDATE! ADReCS has updated to version 3.0 (ADReCS v3.0). 194 new drugs, 6,111 new ADRs(PT) and corresponding 466,625 new Drug-ADR pairs from The FDA Adverse Event Reporting System (FAERS) is filtered and integrated into ADReCS v3.0.


UPDATE! A mirror site ( is deployed for more availability and stable access.


UPDATE! ADReCS v2.2 has been released. including 2,399 drugs, 5,160 PTs, 1,333 HLTs, 327 HLGTs and 27 SOCs. The severity grades of ADRs, ADR-related proteins and tools for ADR similarity searching and structure similarity searching have been integrated into ADReCS v2.2.


UPDATE! ADReCS has updated to version 2.0 (ADReCS v2.0). In ADReCS v2.0, we redesigned an interface to enhance data visualization and optimized code to Improve search efficiency.


UPDATE! Add a new target database ADReCS-Target Beta including 27,484 ADR-gene pairs, 2,613 ADR-variation pairs and 1,710 ADR-protein pairs. The version 1.7 is ready for service.


UPDATE! Add 185 new PTs and 9 new HLTs. The version 1.61 is ready for service.


UPDATE! Add 320 new drugs. The version 1.6 is ready for service.


UPDATE! Add 26 new drugs and 214 new ADR terms.The version 1.4 is ready for service.


The ADReCS manuscript is now online at Nucleic Acids Research! ADReCS: an ontology database for aiding standardization and hierarchical classification of adverse drug reaction terms.


The ADReCS manuscript is now online at Nucleic Acids Research! The SMILES and structure search tools has been updated.


ADReCS is available for query result download.


The version 1.2 is ready for service.


ADReCS is available for data download.


The SMILES and structure search tools has been implemented.


The version 1.0 is ready for service.