Adverse Drug Reaction Classification System

Pharmaceutical Information
Drug Name Zutracin
Drug ID BADD_D02399
Description Bacitracin is a combination of at least 9 bacitracins.[A955,A181952] 60-80% of commercially prepared bacitracin is bacitracin A.[A181952] The bacillus that produces bacitracin was first isolated from a knee scrape in 1945 from the knee wound of a child named Margaret Tracy.[A181952] Bacitracin was granted FDA approval on 29 July 1948.[A181997,L7748]
Indications and Usage However, specific activity of bactracin's inhibition of protein disulfide isomerase has been called into question.
Marketing Status Prescription; Discontinued
ATC Code D06AX05; J01XX10; R02AB04
DrugBank ID DB00626
KEGG ID D00128
MeSH ID D001414
PubChem ID 10909430
NDC Product Code 44231-0007; 68071-5253; 39892-0830; 68788-9794; 0536-1256; 45932-0021; 11673-073; 39892-0810; 45932-0026; 67777-116; 76003-0162; 36800-536; 50090-0815; 55154-1950; 44231-0004; 44231-0005; 50090-0846; 59779-536; 67234-059; 0363-0075; 68786-218; 71205-057; 73921-016; 80489-006; 0574-4022; 50090-0845; 63187-299; 68071-2395; 38779-0015; 44231-0006; 55500-0002; 30142-536; 45802-060; 63323-329; 75983-005; 51552-1315; 0713-0280; 21130-757; 37808-536; 55681-218; 55910-536; 68071-4285; 51551-0301; 52928-001; 54147-0001; 41250-844; 59898-720; 61919-116; 68001-477; 72572-025; 59428-135; 66267-988; 70594-026
Synonyms Bacitracin | Altracin | Baci-IM | Baci IM | Zeba-Rx | Zeba Rx | Baci-Rx | Baci Rx | Topitracin | Bacitin | Bacitracin Zinc Complex | Zinc Bacitracin | Bacitracin, Zinc | Bacitracin Zinc | Zinc, Bacitracin | Bacitracine Martinet | Martinet, Bacitracine | Ocu-Tracin | Ocu Tracin | OcuTracin | Ak-Tracin | Ak Tracin | Baciguent
Chemical Information
Molecular Formula C66H103N17O16S
CAS Registry Number 22601-59-8
Chemical Structure
ADR Related Proteins Induced by Drug
ADR Term Protein Name UniProt AC TTD Target ID PMID
Not AvailableNot AvailableNot AvailableNot AvailableNot Available
ADRs Induced by Drug
ADR Term ADReCS ID ADR Frequency (FAERS) ADR Severity Grade (FAERS) ADR Severity Grade (CTCAE)
Albuminuria20.02.01.001--Not Available
Azotaemia20.01.01.001--Not Available
Dermatitis23.03.04.002--Not Available
Rash23.03.13.001--Not Available
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