Adverse Drug Reaction Classification System

Pharmaceutical Information
Drug Name Theophylline
Drug ID BADD_D02195
Description A methylxanthine derivative from tea with diuretic, smooth muscle relaxant, bronchial dilation, cardiac and central nervous system stimulant activities. Mechanistically, theophylline acts as a phosphodiesterase inhibitor, adenosine receptor blocker, and histone deacetylase activator. Theophylline is marketed under several brand names such as Uniphyl and Theochron, and it is indicated mainly for asthma, bronchospasm, and COPD.
Indications and Usage For the treatment of the symptoms and reversible airflow obstruction associated with chronic asthma and other chronic lung diseases, such as emphysema and chronic bronchitis.
Marketing Status Prescription; Discontinued
ATC Code R03DA04
DrugBank ID DB00277
KEGG ID D00371
MeSH ID D013806
PubChem ID 2153
NDC Product Code 68462-356; 0378-0486; 68462-722; 29033-001; 46708-025; 0395-8129; 62332-025; 49452-7720; 60687-258; 62332-026; 68462-721; 65724-4203; 42858-702; 42858-701; 46708-935; 27808-033; 60592-073; 46708-026; 0121-0820; 68462-380; 51407-318; 17856-0038; 51407-319; 54838-556; 58624-0401; 63629-7169; 29033-002; 0121-4820; 38779-1816
Synonyms Theophylline | 3,7-Dihydro-1,3-dimethyl-1H-purine-2,6-dione | 1,3-Dimethylxanthine | 1,3 Dimethylxanthine | Armophylline | Constant-T | Constant T | ConstantT | Elixophyllin | Euphylong | Glycine Theophyllinate | Theophyllinate, Glycine | Lodrane | Uniphyllin | Nuelin S.A. | Nuelin | Monospan | Quibron T-SR | Quibron T SR | Quibron TSR | Slo-Phyllin | Slo Phyllin | SloPhyllin | Somophyllin-T | Somophyllin T | SomophyllinT | Sustaire | Synophylate | Theo Von Ct | Ct, Theo Von | Von Ct, Theo | Theo-24 | Theo 24 | Theo24 | Theobid | Theocin | Theoconfin Continuous | Theodur | Theo-Dur | Theo Dur | Theolair | Theolix | Theon | Aerolate | Theonite | Theopek | Theophylline Sodium Glycinate | Glycinate, Theophylline Sodium | Sodium Glycinate, Theophylline | Theospan | Theostat | Theovent | Uniphyl | Uniphylline | Theophylline Anhydrous | Anhydrous, Theophylline | Accurbron | Aerobin | Afonilum Retard | Aquaphyllin | Bronchoparat | Bronkodyl
Chemical Information
Molecular Formula C7H8N4O2
CAS Registry Number 58-55-9
Chemical Structure
ADR Related Proteins Induced by Drug
ADR Term Protein Name UniProt AC TTD Target ID PMID
Adverse drug reactionCytochrome P450 2E1P05181Not Available15948936; 15948933; 15146302; 12869856; 12089990 ; 11249829; 10759693
HypotensionReninP00797T616226312554; 6278577; 7039349; 7041238; 6278576; 6382924; 2861715; 214314
Metabolic acidosisAlanine aminotransferase 1P24298Not Available2302799; 12164093; 6747141
ADRs Induced by Drug
ADR Term ADReCS ID ADR Frequency (FAERS) ADR Severity Grade (FAERS) ADR Severity Grade (CTCAE)
Supraventricular extrasystoles02.03.03.011--Not Available
Supraventricular tachycardia02.03.03.012--
Tachycardia02.03.02.007--Not Available
Tachypnoea22.02.01.014--Not Available
Tension19.06.02.005--Not Available
Urinary retention20.02.02.011--
Venous thrombosis24.01.01.008--Not Available
Ventricular arrhythmia02.03.04.006--
Ventricular extrasystoles02.03.04.007--Not Available
Haemodynamic instability24.03.02.006--Not Available
Cardiac flutter02.03.02.012--Not Available
Epigastric discomfort07.01.02.004--Not Available
Inappropriate antidiuretic hormone secretion14.05.07.001; Available
Poisoning12.03.01.004--Not Available
Decreased appetite14.03.01.005;
Pulmonary function test decreased13.19.01.001--Not Available
Supraventricular tachyarrhythmia02.03.03.014--Not Available
Brain injury19.07.03.007; Available
Hypoxic-ischaemic encephalopathy17.13.02.006;; Available
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