Adverse Drug Reaction Classification System

Pharmaceutical Information
Drug Name Glipizide
Drug ID BADD_D01024
Description Glipizide is an oral hypoglycemic agent in the second-generation sulfonylurea drug class that is used to control blood sugar levels in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus. It was first introduced in 1984 [A179491] and is available in various countries including Canada and the U.S. According to the 2018 Clinical Practice Guidelines by Diabetes Canada, sulfonylurea drugs are considered a second-line glucose-lowering therapy following metformin.[L6712] Because sulfonylureas require functional pancreatic beta cells for their therapeutic effectiveness, sulfonylureas are more commonly used for early-stage type 2 diabetes when there is no progressed pancreatic failure.[T28] Compared to the first-generation sulfonylureas, such as [tolbutamide] and [chlorpropamide], second-generation sulfonylureas contain a more non-polar side chain in their chemical structure, which enhances their hypoglycemic potency.[A179488] Compared to other members of the sulfonylurea drug group, glipizide displays rapid absorption and onset of action with the shortest half-life and duration of action, reducing the risk for long-lasting hypoglycemia that is often observed with blood glucose-lowering agents.[A179485] Glipizide was first approved by the FDA in 1994 and is available in extended-release tablets under the brand name Glucotrol®, as well as in combination with metformin under the brand name Metaglip®.
Indications and Usage Indicated as an adjunct to diet and exercise to improve glycemic control in adults with type 2 diabetes mellitus.[label]
Marketing Status approved; investigational
ATC Code A10BB07
DrugBank ID DB01067
KEGG ID D00335
MeSH ID D005913
PubChem ID 3478
NDC Product Code 12828-0051; 17373-1060; 16714-895; 51655-966; 63629-1394; 63629-2203; 67544-302; 68071-4498; 68645-574; 0591-0460; 0591-0845; 71335-1031; 0591-0461; 12780-4680; 53747-047; 62147-0400; 50090-4297; 50090-6473; 53002-4111; 55289-806; 59651-270; 59762-0540; 61919-722; 62559-315; 63187-811; 63629-2202; 67544-097; 68071-3009; 68084-111; 68382-337; 68645-575; 70518-2624; 70771-1098; 50268-362; 51407-621; 51655-180; 51655-982; 53002-1111; 58118-0141; 59651-268; 60760-568; 68071-4223; 68382-336; 70518-1124; 70771-1100; 70934-666; 71335-1042; 55700-624; 59651-780; 60687-690; 61919-287; 0049-0174; 68788-0142; 70518-1848; 70518-2573; 71205-041; 71335-0618; 70518-1063; 71335-0930; 71335-9614; 71335-9742; 71610-680; 17373-1061; 54752-0054; 16714-894; 50090-0505; 50268-361; 59762-0542; 63629-2204; 0049-0170; 64980-280; 64980-281; 67296-1267; 68788-8138; 70518-0552; 70518-3645; 70518-3688; 70934-300; 70934-862; 70934-878; 71610-668; 0615-8407; 72603-116; 17337-0230; 51927-0284; 16714-896; 16729-140; 43063-861; 50090-0502; 55154-7987; 59651-782; 60687-480; 60760-165; 63187-993; 63629-1398; 67296-2042; 68071-2839; 68788-8243; 70518-0579; 0591-0844; 72789-130; 51927-0248; 53002-4460; 59762-0541; 60505-0141; 68071-4085; 68788-0141; 68788-7856; 71610-388; 0049-1582; 59651-269; 66326-400; 16729-139; 43353-207; 43353-379; 51407-620; 53002-4462; 55700-585; 59651-781; 0049-0178; 63629-5256; 0378-1110; 64980-279; 68382-335; 68788-8487; 70771-1099; 70934-098; 0591-0900; 71610-105; 71610-175; 71610-393; 0904-6637; 0049-1581; 24196-176; 48589-0008; 49452-3299; 42708-109; 60505-0142; 60687-682; 60687-701; 60760-329; 62559-316; 63187-255; 63187-477; 0378-1105; 68084-112; 68788-8192; 70518-2888; 71335-1130; 72189-070; 0615-8408; 72603-117; 38779-0765; 58793-005; 62147-0001; 43353-369; 50090-5040; 50090-5806; 51655-983; 53002-2111; 53002-4461; 55289-301; 55289-779
Synonyms Glipizide | Glypidizine | Glidiazinamide | Glydiazinamide | Glucotrol | Minidiab | Mindiab | Minodiab | K-4024 | K 4024 | K4024 | Melizide | Ozidia | Glupitel
Chemical Information
Molecular Formula C21H27N5O4S
CAS Registry Number 29094-61-9
Chemical Structure
ADRs Induced by Drug
*The priority for ADR severity classification is based on FAERS assessment, followed by the most severe level in CTCAE rating. If neither is available, it will be displayed as 'Not available'.
**The 'Not Available' level is hidden by default and can be restored by clicking on the legend twice..
ADR Term ADReCS ID ADR Frequency (FAERS) ADR Severity Grade (FAERS) ADR Severity Grade (CTCAE)
Abdominal discomfort07.01.06.001--Not Available
Abdominal distension07.01.04.0010.000057%
Abdominal pain07.01.05.002--
Abdominal pain upper07.01.05.003--
Acute myocardial infarction24.04.04.001; Available
Aggression19.05.01.0010.000026%Not Available
Agranulocytosis01.02.03.001--Not Available
Alcohol intolerance14.02.01.001--
Angioedema22.04.02.008;; Available
Anterograde amnesia17.03.02.005; Available
Aplastic anaemia01.03.03.002--Not Available
Arrhythmia02.03.02.001--Not Available
Arteriosclerosis coronary artery24.04.04.012; Available
Aspartate aminotransferase increased13.03.04.011--
Asthenia08.01.01.001--Not Available
Atrial fibrillation02.03.03.0020.000039%
Blood alkaline phosphatase13.04.02.010--Not Available
Blood creatinine increased13.13.01.004--
Blood urea increased13.13.01.006--Not Available
Cachexia16.32.03.011;; Available
Cardiac arrest02.03.04.0010.000065%
Cardiac failure congestive02.05.01.0020.000168%Not Available
Cardio-respiratory arrest22.02.06.007; Available
Cholestasis09.01.01.001--Not Available
Coma17.02.09.0010.000039%Not Available
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Drug Name ADR Term Target
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