Adverse Drug Reaction Classification System

Pharmaceutical Information
Drug Name Chlorhexidine diacetate
Drug ID BADD_D00435
Description Chlorhexidine is a broad-spectrum antimicrobial biguanide used as a topical antiseptic and in dental practice for the treatment of inflammatory dental conditions caused by microorganisms.[L11512] It is one of the most common skin and mucous membrane antiseptic agents in use today.[A190417] The molecule itself is a cationic bis-guanide consisting of two 4-chlorophenyl rings and two biguanide groups joined by a central hexamethylene chain.[A190453] Topical chlorhexidine for disinfection, as well as oral rinses for dental use, carries activity against a broad range of pathogens including bacteria, yeasts, and viruses.[L11518,L11512,A190453] Chlorhexidine was developed in the UK by Imperial Chemical Industries in the early 1950s[A190474] and was introduced to the US in the 1970s.[L11572]
Indications and Usage For reduction of pocket depth in patients with adult periodontitis, used as an adjunct to scaling and root planing procedures. Also for prevention of dental caries, oropharyngeal decontamination in critically ill patients, hand hygiene in health-care personnel, general skin cleanser, and catheter site preparation and care.
Marketing Status Not Available
ATC Code A01AB03; B05CA02; D08AC02; D09AA12; R02AA05; S01AX09; S02AA09; S03AA04
DrugBank ID DB00878
KEGG ID D07669
MeSH ID D002710
PubChem ID 9562059
NDC Product Code 81615-002; 81615-010; 81615-007; 81615-008; 81615-006
Synonyms Chlorhexidine | Chlorhexidine Hydrochloride | Hydrochloride, Chlorhexidine | Tubulicid | Novalsan | Sebidin A | Chlorhexidine Acetate | Acetate, Chlorhexidine | MK-412A | MK 412A | MK412A
Chemical Information
Molecular Formula C26H38Cl2N10O4
CAS Registry Number 56-95-1
Chemical Structure
ADR Related Proteins Induced by Drug
ADR Term Protein Name UniProt AC TTD Target ID PMID
Not AvailableNot AvailableNot AvailableNot AvailableNot Available
ADRs Induced by Drug
ADR Term ADReCS ID ADR Frequency (FAERS) ADR Severity Grade (FAERS) ADR Severity Grade (CTCAE)
Skin irritation23.03.04.009--Not Available
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